

Space challenge 2025

Dear Youth!

The most important driver of human development has always been curiosity and the desire for exploration, whether it is about conquering continents, scientific discoveries or learning about outer space. Breaking through our barriers and overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles is in our blood. Space exploration is also connected to this mentality, the Moon landing, the discovery of Mars and deep space missions prove that human curiosity and the desire for discovery are inexhaustible.

Hungary is sending astronauts into space again after more than four decades. In the framework of the Hungarian to Orbit Astronaut Program, designated research astronaut Tibor KAPU or the alternative candidate Gyula CSERÉNYI will soon be able to board the International Space Station, where they can do innovative scientific experiments for Hungarian universities, research institutes and companies.

On this occasion, the Cultural Center of Pécs organises a national competition in 2025 for students interested in technology, especially in space exploration and space travel.

The competition is open for four age groups: primary school students (5–6 grades, 7–8 grades), high school students (9–12 grades) and for university students. Applications will be evaluated by age groups.

The organisers of the „Space Challenge 2025” competition expect from the participants creative ideas and solutions that support strengthening the Hungarian space sector, making space travel safer, overcoming the challenges of life in outer space, and promoting domestic scientific and technological improvements.

The top three teams in each age group will be awarded and also one team by the audience. The winners will receive laptops, tablets, and the members of the first winning team will also receive a gift from the Hungarian to Orbit Astronaut Program.

The award ceremony will take place in the spring of 2025.

Aims of the competition:
Promoting interest in science and technology among young people
Promoting the Hungarian to Orbit Astronaut Program
Creating ideas and solutions that might help the work of the astronauts at the International Space Station

Further pieces of information:
Entering the competition is accepted by individuals or a group of maximum 3.
The project must be presented in a minimum 3-minute-long,  maximum 5-minute-long video.
In addition to the video, it is necessary to submit written documentation in pdf format, the length of which is 2 A4 pages.
The deadline for submitting the projects is 13 April 2025, midnight.
The projects should be uploaded to the following website:

Main supporters of the competition: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungarian to Orbit Astronaut Program), University of Pécs.

The topic of the competition in 2025: HUMAN LIFE BEYOND EARTH

The idea of settling on the Moon or on other planets is exceptionally appealing for humanity, but the implementation comes with many technological, biological, and psychological challenges. The extreme environmental conditions of outer space, the limited availability of resources, and the chance of long-term human survival are obstacles that require solutions in case we ever intend to establish permanent human presence beyond Earth.

Challenges related to human life beyond Earth:

One of the biggest challenges is to provide protection against radiation. Due to the thin or the lack of atmosphere on the Moon and Mars, cosmic and solar radiation coming from space are great threats to the health of the people living there. Our planet’s thick atmosphere and magnetic field also protect the Earth from harmful radiation, but in case of their absence, the inhabitants of space colonies would be constantly exposed to harmful effects that increase the risk of cancer and other health problems. To avoid these, protected living units having thick, radiation-resistant walls would be needed, or seeking suitable shelter below the surface would be necessary.

Another challenge is providing adequate resources since water, food and oxygen are all necessities. These are difficult to produce and maintain on the Moon and Mars. As a solution, with the help of the so-called in situ resource utilization, we could make use of locally found materials, such as ice available on the Moon and Mars, to produce vital resources. Water would not only be suitable for drinking and producing food, but also for oxygen and rocket fuel production.

Moreover, the lack of gravity might cause serious health problems in the long term. The surface gravity on the Moon is one-sixth of Earth’s and one-third on Mars. This can lead to bone and muscle mass loss, cardiovascular problems, which could be eased with regular, special exercise or technologies providing artificial gravity.

Finally, being isolated in space for a long period, the distance from Earth, having limited space for living and time delays in interplanetary communication would affect challenges on settlers. Therefore, implementing mental health support and community programs would be important for them.

Living on the Moon or another planet requires huge technological and human adaptation far beyond our current knowledge. Developing space colonies depends not only on technical innovations, but also on human creativity and adaptability.

We are looking for creative, innovative, theoretical or practical solutions and ideas for the challenges mentioned above or raised by you in connection with the main topic!

Possible concepts:

Computer game, animation, application, educational program, presentation
Electronically programmed devices (for example robot, microcontroller)
Computer aided design – 3D models
Physical model, prototype, model figures

Topic: Scientific and technological solutions in space exploration

 Possible concepts:

· Create a concept of a system or technology that helps the more efficient utilization of resources in space, such as water, oxygen, energy, for example on the International Space Station or on a future colony!

· Form a concept of a system or technology that helps to sustain and protect human life (life support, energy supply, protection against radiation, recycling, telecommunications, data transmission, encryption) in outer space, for example on the International Space Station or a future colony!

· Establish a system or technology that helps the members of a colony on the International Space Station or on a future foreign planet to map, explore, or reach direct or distant locations, for instance space probes, space telescopes, SmallSats and CubeSats, reusable carrying equipment.

· Create a system or technology that helps the members of the colonies on a future foreign planet to sustainably utilize resources discovered in direct or distant locations, for example asteroid mining equipment, reusable carrying devices.

· Propose a solution to reduce space debris, which is considered to be one of the most urgent problems of the space industry!

· Prepare a research plan or a prototype that can exploit microgravity so as to achieve new scientific results in the fields of material science, biology, medical science or physiology!

· Materials for spacecrafts, for instance heat resistant materials, composites.

· Initiate a research plan to develop materials suitable for creating devices, buildings or other objects in space or on another planet!

· Present how artificial intelligence and machine learning contribute or might contribute to the implementation of space travel and space exploration, for example in the fields of safety, improving the quality of life, etc…

· Develop a system to maintain the mental or physical health of astronauts during long-term space travel, taking into account zero gravity, isolation, and the effects of radiation!

· Initiate a plan for a new robotic or autonomous device that would support planetary surface mapping or space infrastructure development, such as modular construction technologies!

· How would you apply imaging technologies in precision diagnostics in space?

· Develop a concept of a fully autonomous healthcare system in space! Imagine an automatic hospital that cares for the members of a space mission or a space colony!

· Suggest a smart medicine and/or a portable smart device for astronauts that can be used to preserve their health or help them recover!

· How do microgravity and radiation affect the composition of the human microbiome? What kind of methods can be used for maintaining and optimizing the balance of the gut flora during long-term space travel?

· How can nanotechnology be used in health monitoring and treatment of astronauts? Develop a concept for nanotechnology-based devices that support the maintenance of the physiological state of space travellers.

· What kind of mobile laboratories and diagnostic devices can be developed fit to the environment in space? How can fast and accurate medical diagnosis be ensured in extreme environments, such as on the International Space Station or on the surface of a planet?

· How can AI-based diagnostic devices and decision support systems help space medical care?

· Food security and food production in outer space – How can we ensure the nutrition of space colonies in the long term?

· What can 3D and 4D printing be used for in space? Create a plan that shows what kind of life support devices can be made with these technologies.

· How can robotic solutions help regarding space medicine? Present a concept that enables the automation of complex healthcare services with the help of robots!

A vetélkedő szervezője:

Pécsi Kulturális Központ

A vetélkedő kiemelt támogatói:

Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium
HUNOR magyar űrhajós program

Pécsi Tudományegyetem

A pályamunkák elbírálását a Neumann János
Számítógéptudományi Társaság szakemberei végzik.

organizer of the competition:

Cultural Center of Pécs

The main supporters of the competition are:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

University of Pécs

Competition pieces will be rated by experts of the János Neumann Computer Science Society.