
Space challenge 2024

Dear Visitors!

The substantive part of our project has been completed.
We thank the young applicants for participating in our program.

The field works are still evaluated (juried). At the same time, we provide visitors with the opportunity to support the most likable work on the track with audience votes. Those who receive a special award can vote for one of the projects submitted by all age groups. It is only possible to vote for the audience prize once per person. You need a Facebook registration to vote.

The works are still being processed! 

You can cast your vote by clicking the green „public vote”button!

Cast your vote till 5th may 2024.

(In the event that the audience prize meets a project worthy of award by the jury, it will win the prize with the most favorable prize amount and move one step forward in the ranking of the field in that age group!) Applicants will be informed of the prize allocation by letter.

Remuneration By age group:
1st place: digital device with a total prize of HUF 350,000
2nd place: digital device with a total prize of HUF 300,000
3rd place: digital device with a total prize of HUF 250,000

A vetélkedő szervezője:

Pécsi Kulturális Központ

A vetélkedő kiemelt támogatói:

Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium

Pécsi Tudományegyetem

A pályamunkák elbírálását a Neumann János
Számítógéptudományi Társaság szakemberei végzik.

Space challenge 2024

Dear Visitors!

The substantive part of our project has been completed.
We thank the young applicants for participating in our program.

The field works are still evaluated (juried). At the same time, we provide visitors with the opportunity to support the most likable work on the track with audience votes. Those who receive a special award can vote for one of the projects submitted by all age groups. It is only possible to vote for the audience prize once per person. You need a Facebook registration to vote.

The works are still being processed, and the public vote will soon be visible here on the page, about which we will send an information email! You have one week from the start of voting to cast your votes!

The The voting deadline will be made public soon.

(In the event that the audience prize meets a project worthy of award by the jury, it will win the prize with the most favorable prize amount and move one step forward in the ranking of the field in that age group!) Applicants will be informed of the prize allocation by letter.

Remuneration By age group:
1st place: digital device with a total prize of HUF 350,000
2nd place: digital device with a total prize of HUF 300,000
3rd place: digital device with a total prize of HUF 250,000

organizer of the competition:

Cultural Center of Pécs

The main supporters of the competition are:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

University of Pécs

Competition pieces will be rated by experts of the János Neumann Computer Science Society.